Thinking About Your Thinking (Tiidelab 3.0)

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I've been in a situation where I've finished making a decision before realising I actually didn't think about my thought very well neither did I cross my t's and dot my i's perfectly before taking that decision

Just like agreeing to go out with someone without thinking it through, you know what that might cause you!

Thinking about your thinking to make your thinking better is one of the skills that is needed for a problem solver to solve problems and this is called "Critical Thinking Strategy".

In solving problems effectively, there are some thinking hats designed by De Bono that must be worn once at a time. They are :


How do I know this, well the answer is not far fetched, it's one of the soft skills I learnt from the program coordinator of Tiidelab, Shamsudeen Aderoju.

Another topic that stood out for me during the month "understanding the business side of software engineering" which Mr Lanre Yussuf explained to us.

He took his time to explain the importance of Element, Environment and Energy in your career advancement!

Element : This is the skills you know and you need to define your element by asking yourself about things you are passionate about.

Environment : There is an environment that makes you thrive in your career and knowing this will amplify what you do!

Energy : The level of the energy you put in doing things will also determine how successful that thing will be, meanwhile your element and environment have a huge role to play in the energy you put in a task;

There is a lot though, just like the Yorùbá saying that "Ẹrán ki sẹ́'sẹ̀ ràgó" i.e it's plenty ☺️. To know more on either of the topics above, you can reach out to Mr Shamsudeen Aderoju and Mr Lanre Yussuf for consultation.

Apart from soft skills, our technical skills learning was not hindered as we delved deeper in JavaScript.

Prior to the time I joined TIIDELab, I've heard a lot of people talking about how hard it is to learn Javascript but for the first time someone told us that Javascript is not hard and he proved this in his method of teaching...

Mr Lukman Kehinde took us deeper in JavaScript, we learnt about how Javascript Engine who is like a translator takes file and communicate it to computer in a language it understands to perform our tasks.


I leant about:

  • Memory Heap
  • Call Stack
  • Stack overflow (Recursion)


Do you even know that Javascript is a single threaded programming language? You don't?, well it is because only one set of instruction is executed at a time. It is not performing multiple things at a time i.e it is synchronous and because of this it will be so difficult when we have a running time" Wondering what Run time is? Don't worry, I will explain it in detail in my technical write up on Synchronous and Asynchronous Javascript.

My learning in the month of September didn't stop at asynchronous js, we also learnt Data Structure and Algorithm!

images (28).jpeg Our excellent, enthusiastic and approachable teacher @ Kenny also took us through Data Structure and why it is important. "good programmers do not worry about how to code alone but also about data structure and their relationship"

We learnt about: Harsh Table Stack (lifo) Queue (fifo) Linkedlist Trees Trie Graph etc.

There are lot that I learnt and gained from Mr Kenny, you can reach out to him for consultation.

Yes, I became the 11th Head of House during the month!

Screenshot_20210920-083759_LinkedIn.jpg We were given a week break from Tiidelab to rest and review what we've learnt during the the first three month.

During this period, I used what we've learnt to build simple Web Applications




I will like to appreciate NECA and ITF for partnering with Tiidelab to bring this program into reality. Also special thanks to Mr Salami Kadir, Mr. Pishikeni Tukura, Miss Celeste, Unclebigbay, Arimoro and Ayodeji. God bless you real good!