So Far, So Good.. Tiidelab 4.0
Wao, it's four months down and it's looking like we started the journey to self reliance yesterday...
One of the things I'm blessing God for this year is Tiidelab, I'm glad that I'm part of the fellows and I'm grateful for the learning that had taken place...
From the past articles that I've written you would have known that Tiidelab is not here to joke and she is not making a regular developer but an all-encompassing and a full package developer, who is a critical thinker, Problem solver, negotiator, mediator, public speaker and one with high emotional intelligence!
This past month, I learnt the act of communication and pitching myself the right way, because Tiidelab made me understand that no matter the amount of code you know it might not yield the best result if you can't communicate it...
I learnt more about public speaking, what it is, how to structure my speech, the strategies and the 3A's of public speaking which are
To demonstrate our public speaking skills, we modeled the United Nations General Assembly in our physical meet-up and guess what? I was the Secretary General of the Assembly.
I gave my impromptu speech and coordinated the Assembly in Lagos alongside the president of the United Nation General Assembly in person of Chris Madufor who coordinated the Assembly in Abuja.
The session made me understand the challenges that a lot of countries in the world are facing, ranging from Economic crisis, Climate Change, Technological and Food Insecurity.
Also, I was able to know the impart of world leaders in solving these problems in order to make life better for people who trusted them with their votes.
As for technical skills, Mr Solomon Chokor took us on Context Api, Redux, Formik, Life cycle
In React, there is something that is called props drilling.. Prop drilling is basically a situation when the same data is being sent at almost every level due to requirements in the final level. Here is a diagram to demonstrate it better...
So we learnt how to make use of Context Api or Redux to solve that problem of props drilling..
All in all, it was a gainful month for me at TIIDELAB, all thanks to our dynamic coordinator Mr. Shamsudeen Aderoju also Mr Salami Kadiri, NECA and ITF for giving us this great opportunity. God bless you real good.